52. Visiting the Holy Lands: The Joy of Being Catholic on a Pilgrimage

Video Version

Audio Version

Episode Description

Nick is joined by Rob Holler and Beverly Monahan to talk about their amazing experience on pilgrimage to the Holy Lands. Learn about the impact of walking where Christ walked, the power of stepping into the River Jordan, and seeing the beauty of faith in a city dominated by three major religions. Join us and discover how visiting the Holy Lands adds to the joy of being Catholic.

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Nick De La Torre

Nick is the founder of AWAKEN Catholic and has served around the country as a musician and speaker for Dynamic Catholic, Renewal Ministries, Extraordinary Mission and Life Teen retreats, conferences, and events.


53. Mike Mangione Steals the Show: His Life, Faith, and Near Death Experience


51. Our PILGRIMAGE to the Holy Lands w/ Fr. Eric Schild